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Emma R. Halter, Deirdre Yeater, Heather Hill, Gaze duration and laterality in response to familiar and unfamiliar humans and objects in belugas and bottlenose dolphins.

Article in the journal of Animal Cognition                                                                                              

International Conference on Comparative Cognition                                     

2nd International Workshop on Beluga Research and Conservation                                 

Master’s of Science Thesis Paper and Presentation                                                        


Emma R. Halter, Todd Sigley, Brendan Shea, Growth and resource use of Littorina littorea in relation to macroalgae in the rocky intertidal.

Grant proposal presentation to the Marine Science Center                                            


Emma R. Halter. Predator prey and trait-mediated interaction effects on density and behavior between C. striata, C. maenas, N. lapillus, and M. edulis.  

Graduate class paper                                                                                                       


Emma R. Halter, Ariel Ben-Ezra, Ashley I. Wang, Carli L. Poisson, Charlotte Freeland, Carrie R. Ferrario, Mike F. Robinson. The impact of junk-food on ‘liking’ responses to sucrose, saccharin, and salt in obesity-prone and obesity-resistant rats.                                                                     


Emma R. Halter. The impact of junk-food on ‘liking’ responses to sucrose, saccharin, and salt in obesity-prone and obesity-resistant rats.

Eastern Psychological Association Conference                                                            

Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior Conference                             

Natural Science and Mathematics Research Poster Session                                   

Psychology Undergraduate Research Poster Session                                               

Neuroscience and Behavior Undergraduate Research Symposium                         


Emma R. Halter. Sugar by any other name would taste as sweet: Unconscious responses to sucrose, saccharin, and salt in OP/OR rats.

Quantitative Analysis Center Apprenticeship Poster Session                                 


Emma R. Halter. Do or Doughnut: Junk-food effects on risky decision making and reward pathways in adolescent rats.

Undergraduate Research Class Paper                                                                      

(Under review)

Melbourne Beach, FL 2019

Mystic, CT 2019

Nahant, MA 2018

Nahant, MA 2017


Nahant, MA 2017

(In preparation)

Boston, MA 2017

Montreal, QC, Canada 2017

Middletown, CT 2017

Middletown, CT 2017

Middletown, CT 2017

Middletown, CT 2016

Middletown, CT 2016

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